Sealants are a protective layer of a thin composite that is placed once the permanent molars erupt.
Newly erupted permanent molars and premolars usually have very deep grooves, making these teeth more susceptible to accumulating dental plaque, and therefore, more prone to develop decay.
Sealants are applied on permanent molars and premolars to prevent any bacteria from direct access towards tooth enamel. It is a preventive measure to decrease the chances of developing tooth decay.
The procedure of applying dental sealants is painless. It consists of cleaning the tooth and applying a thin layer of composite that will adhere to the tooth, subsequently avoiding plaque and bacteria from accessing the grooves of the teeth.
Main objectives of dental sealants
All patients with teeth with deep grooves or fissures, and patients with higher risk of accumulating bacteria and dental plaque.
Dental sealants are a painless procedure that usually only takes a couple of minutes per sealant to achieve.
During your periodic dental exams, your dentist will evaluate the condition of the dental sealants to evaluate their health or the need to replace them.